Team Sellerant

Warehouse requires AI price optimisation with shelves full of wholesale goods ready for distribution

Bubo.AI: How our machine learning solution achieves pricing goals

Very few companies achieve pricing goals, with the majority missing these targets, therefore having a negative impact on profit margins and overall profitability.   Pricing strategies are a smart lever that businesses can use to increase profitability. A 1% improvement in pricing can increase net margins up to 11%. In a Bain & Company survey, […]

Bubo.AI: How our machine learning solution achieves pricing goals Read More »

Bubo.AI team members Alan Timothy, Carmen Bischoff, Magnus Johansson smiling and looking relaxed at an AI price optimization conference

Bubo.AI selected to present at the appliedAI ecosystem meetup in Munich

On October 18th 2019, Bubo.AI was selected to present our pricing solution at the appliedAI Ecosystem Meetup, in Munich, Germany.   Alan Timothy, CEO; Carmen Bischof, (Country Manager, DACH) and Magnus Johansson (Country Manager, Nordics Region), at the appliedAI Ecosystem Meetup, in Munich, Germany, October 2019 Hosted by appliedAI, part of the UnternehmerTUM — one

Bubo.AI selected to present at the appliedAI ecosystem meetup in Munich Read More »

marketing business calculator

Is your pricing strategy robust enough to help you survive today’s business reality?

Across the world, macro and micro-economic factors appear once again to be driving the global economy towards recession. In the UK, Brexit has already reportedly cost the country £66 billion since 2016, according to the credit ratings agency, Standard and Poor.   A study by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) has found

Is your pricing strategy robust enough to help you survive today’s business reality? Read More »

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