Bubo.AI presenting at the International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelli-gence

August 25-27, 2021

University of Liverpool

A little later in the year, shortly after the ICCBDC 2021 conference at the University of Liverpool, we are going to be presenting at the 5th International Conference on Advanc-es in Artificial Intelligence (ICAAI 2021), during August 25-27, 2021.

We are delighted to be presenting as a co-organiser, alongside Staffordshire University, QAHE at Northumbria University London Campus, and the Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI; a an international scientific organisation, based in Hong Kong).

The ICAAI 2021, held between August 25-27, is being hosted at the Northumbria University London Campus, the London campus of a popular and academically high-profile university in Newcastle upon Tyne, in the North East of England.

ICAAI 2021 is described as “the premier forum that brings both industry and academia for the dissemination of technological advances, research results and applications in the fields of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Technologies.”

Although it’s uncertain whether the conference can go-ahead in-person or virtually, the or-ganisers are already saying online presentations would be acceptable. Due to the rate of Covid-19 in the UK and Europe, August might still be too early for in-person conferences.

Before the conference in August, Dr Seker will submit a paper, which will included in the ICAAI 2021 Conference Proceedings, which will also be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

“We are looking forward to seeing everyone with an active interest, whether academic or commercially, in AI, at the conference in August 2021,” said Dr Huseyin Seker, Bubo.AI’s Academic Collaborator.

His talk at ICAAI 2021 will focus on the impact of AI on pricing strategies, based on the theo-ries behind Bubo.AI, alongside real-world case studies and examples.

Dr Seker, goes onto say: “In 2020, we presented at and attended quite a few conferences and expos, in the UK and beyond. This year, we’ve got an even busier roster of events and confer-ences to attend and present at, and are delighted to be co-sponsoring and partnering with the academic organisers.”

“As the world and economy starts a slow recovery from the impact of Covid-19, academic conferences, such as ICAAI 2021 at Northumbria University London Campus, and collabora-tions and projects that originate from them could spark a boom in innovation.”

“Pricing is one area that will make a huge positive impact on business profitability, and there-fore recovering from the current global recession, which is why we are showcasing our ex-pertise and solutions at conferences around the UK and world,” Dr Seker said.

Bubo.AI: Find out more about our cutting-edge award-winning AI solutions, that will help companies generate more revenue and higher profits, thanks to our customer value-based pricing products and services.

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